I thought I would share these random pictures with you since nothing really interesting happend today besides all of us being sick yet again. I have a feeling the is going to be a bad winter for sickly children and mommy.
TayTay in a tree. Yes she climbed
it by herself.
They are getting so big.
I could have sworn we had 4 kittens.
There she is!!
Ok, Listen, No I don't know you and it may seem like I am about to tear you up a little but you need to understand that you are a horrible horrible mother!!! You talk about how your kids are unsafe at the foster home they are in. Correct me if I am wrong but did you not post a pic of TAY TAY in a tree and had the nerve to post that she climbed it all by herself? Is that not dangerous??? and who in their right mind forces a DISABLED baby boy to clean a room as a form of punishment for not sleeping? Where did you get your morals? I think you need to wake up and realize if you keep driving down this very steep and narrow path that you are sure to NEVER see you twins again. Truth be told, I am confident that those twins are right where God meant them to be at this very moment. STOP lying- you know in your heart your trying make this look like your the victim when truly those babies ALL OF THEM are. I will pray for you ... I pray you get some help for your compulsive lying and constant smoke screens you put up so noone thinks your the bad guy. I pray you give them babies up and give them the life they deserve because you can not provide that for them. CPS has played God in this case and thank GOD for you mother in law. You seem like you would be one of those mothers who kill their kids by drowning!!! I am sorry but this is how I feel and you can tell me if I don't like it dont have to read it- but I already did and if you didn't want the comments you shouldn't put this on the internet for all to see. P.S. I have a sister who has fostered and adopted the ones she fostered so it is possible and you just don't know what you got til it's gone. WAKE UP !!!!!