Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I am defensive because these are people who don't have children, or don't have as big of a family as we do trying to tell us how to parent our children. Why would I take advice from someone who does't have children? Or someone who doesn't deal with disabled children? or has never had, or taken care of one. I am defensive because they lie. Our caseworker lied under oath, and then when our lawyer pressed her on the amount of time It took her to take him away because we just had a review october 1st and all of his small bruises were noted, why didn't she take him then? Then she looked straight at me and made up that our son has 5 inch v shaped bruises on his legs. Notice the V shape, my name starts with V. She was talking quietly and had to be asked to speak up. She was looking down most of the time.

I have a theory of her maddness. She is jealous. My husband and I are able to stay home and still get 6k a month. She probably had to work, her husband had to work. Im sorry that we get to be home with our children, by the grace of God not many people get that opportunity. But that opportunity has a price. It's just frustrating, and I honestly can't wait for our next hearing. CPS pissed off a lot of people who are on our side by falsifying documents, and emails. Their day will come and until then our lives will remain unaltered.  We love our son, but at this point theres not much we can do until Jan. My parents will ultimetley get him for now. Unless they decide that my parents are the same as us. Pray they will, the thought of our son being in foster care breaks my heart.



  1. The size of your family has absolutely nothing to do with it. You should be a good, nuturing parent regardless of the number of children you have. Abusive... in a previous post you stated that you made your disabled son clean the playroom at 3am and then you made him use his walker because he does not like to and then to top it all off, you took pictures of it. Take a good look at yourself... stop trying to point the finger. Jealous... please these are professionals that are looking into your family...

  2. He was made to clean the play area because he was disrupting the rest of the children as they slept, he was asked to help clean the play area all day and didnt do so. He doesn't like to use his walker, and yes WE MAKE him use it. He's disabled, not incapable of doing things and abidding by our rules. I also pointed out in one of my blogs that we don't allow the word disabled to be used in our house. Then we would all be disabled in a certain respect. We are able to nurture and care for all of our children. These are professionals run by the government. Don't even get me started on that debat, my husband was in the Marine Corps for 7 years. Government is corrupted, and is a bureaucracy they couldn't give a darn about your family and how they are destroying it. If our son is refusing to sleep, he can be up doing something good, and acomplishing something rather than waking up the rest of the children who want to sleep. If you don't like my blog, don't read it. This is our life, Our children are great because of US and how we raise them. Oh, and making him do things is not abuse, if you think it is you need some help. You probably think it's abuse because we wouldn't allow our children to eat their halloween candy, or we don't allow them to disrespect us, or that we want them to be independant and thrive and do things for themself. But again like I said if you don't like my blog, don't read it.

  3. you use the word disabled in this blog repeatedly to refer to your son...

  4. Yes, This is a blog, In my home adressing my son we do not use disabled. He is clearly disabled as you can tell, he has a walker. BUT we don't address him that way. My husband and myself have both been "labled" and it got us no where. We don't like to have a label on our children and im sorry if you feel differently.

  5. I have read the book "A Boy called It" It was a real true story, sadly, about abuse to an innocent child because of a mother who was unstable.

  6. Yes, I have too and it broke my heart. I read it while I was pregnant with our oldest. His mother pretty much treated her son like an animal feeding him scraps, leaving him on the stove to burn, making him clean the bathroom with amonia and slamming the door shut so it would create a vaccum of poison. And amazingly nothing was done, and that saddens me. I never ever opened the book again it was horrifying.
