Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Little Man.

I have decided that I will be showcasing one of our children for every day of the week. For today I have chosen Little Man. I want to talk a little about him, and I also want to talk about his disabilities and how they affect him everyday and how important it is to make sure you catch these things early.

Little man is two years old, almost three. He was born at thirty weeks after I had a full placental abruption. We can’t say for sure how long he was without oxygen; I was in labor for seven hours before they realized I was in labor. I started bleeding very badly, and when he finally came out he was very discolored and not responsive. He wasn’t breathing on his own so he had to be on a respirator for 3 days, we had a very long NICU stay. When it was finally time to take him home, he was very tiny, not even 4lbs. He was still on oxygen and he was on an apnea monitor. We were terrified to have him home, but somehow we got through it and he was a perfect healthy little baby. About 4 months of age we noticed he wasn’t responding to us, and we noticed he was more delayed then he should be. We took him to the doctor for his shots and they just reassured us that it was just normal preemie delays and not to worry.

So we didn’t. We know better now. So then came the time to try some solid jar food. Well, this is when the major problems started happening, or at least we thought they were major. He wouldn’t swallow his food. Well we again mentioned it to the doctors and they again just told us not to worry about it, he will eventually get the hang of it. We were still solely bottle feeding him till about a year old. We then found out that he has mild Cerebral Palsy. From then on our world got flipped upside down. By fourteen months old little man wasn’t sitting up yet, he wasn’t crawling, but he was finally taking solid foods. My husband and myself and the rest of my family worked with little man for hours and hours trying to get him to be able, and to want to do things for himself. If we had known what to look for, and how to look for it, I do believe that things with him would be completely different. He now is able to crawl, and he walks with a walker. He talks very fluently. The downside, he is very defiant. He hates walking. He screams most of the day, and lies awake all night. I wish and pray everyday that something will change. I just hope one day he understands why we push him so hard. If anyone has gone through this please please don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor if you feel something is wrong. You are the ones around your children, and we usually know when something is wrong.

Anyways, I also want to talk about him and not just his conditions.

When he is able to sleep, He is a very happy full of love and very compassionate little boy. I was having a little talk with him one day to find out what was bothering him. We had an hour long conversation. Well, he did most of the talking. One of the things he said to me made my jaw drop. He mentioned to me that he noticed his sister, who is being potty trained right now went potty in the toilet. He told me that he’s so proud of her, and when she goes potty like a big girl it makes him happy. I was thinking to myself that did not just come out of his mouth. I had to literally ask him to repeat what he had said, and yup he did say it. Little man loves to cuddle, and loves to talk to everyone he see’s. He amazes me. We love you little man.

                                             Yes, He is a Ham



  1. I agree, we as mothers are with our children and we know them, sometimes it may just be a gut feeling we have. I have a friend that knew something was wrong with her little boy the day he was born, but they kept telling her he was fine. My youngest is 2 1/2 and she as well surprises me by some of the things she says. They are so sweet. Your "little man" is adorable!!

  2. Wow! I just came across your blog and discovered you are a mom of 23 tender years with 6 kids? You could be the next Duggar family! Congrats!
