Here is an example of my schedule which changes daily to accommodate doctor’s appointments.
7am I wake up get ready eat some breakfast, pray for the day.
7:30am I start my morning chores; I try to get all of them mostly done before the children wake up.
8am I start preparing Breakfast.
8:15am I usually wake up Bubba before the rest of the children; I get him dressed and ready for breakfast.
8:30am I wake up all the rest of our children, they get dressed
8:45am We eat breakfast.
9am We clean up after breakfast.
9:15am I finish all the morning chores, and the girls and Hubby start theirs. After the children are done with their chores they get to play in their HUGE play area. I do chores till about 9:45am
10am Family activity /snack
11am We do any errands or doctors appointments
12am I start lunch
12:30am Lunch time
1pm Clean up after lunch
1:30pm Nap time
1:35pm Merebear starts her home schooling.
I don’t really schedule anything for the afternoon and evening simply because I don’t like being completely bound to my schedule. Our supper time is at 5:30, We usually play games or watch a movie or something along those lines in the afternoon/evening. Bedtime for the younger children is at 8pm, or depending on their moods earlier. The oldest bedtime is at 9, or again depending on her mood earlier.
Lately it’s been daddy taking care of the children. After I had my c-section with the twins I haven’t been right. My energy level is crap, and it doesn’t help that I keep getting sick. So hopefully I can get back into it. My husband is 100% disabled, with a medical retirement from the Marine Corps. It’s sometimes nice having him home everyday, and other times he just drives me nuts.
I was reading one of the comments, and thank you so much by the way for leaving comments. I was told we may be the next “duggar” family. I love the duggars I think that what they are doing is absolutely wonderful. I wanted to comment back to your comment. We originally wanted a Bakers dozen. 13 children. Honestly I probably would’ve had more. I was told after the twins were born that it would be to risky for myself and the baby if we had anymore. So, I got the lovely procedure done. Honestly, after I got home and the realization that I can’t have anymore children finally settled in my mind I literally felt horrible about myself. It’s gotten better but some days I just feel so miserable to the point I can’t even look at myself. It’s like I became less of a women. Hopefully as time passes It will completely leave my mind to never resurface. Now I can focus on the children I do have.
I hope everyone has a wonderful evening. I have to go tend to the twins.
Silly me, I forgot to add my showcased child of the day.
We picked TayTay for today.
Things most people don't know about our little TayTay, She has one green eye and one blue eye, and four different colors of blonde in her hair. She’s a dare devil who loves to climb trees, and try anything new and exciting. She absolutely loves Dora the Explorer. She’s a daddy’s girl who loves to cuddle and watch football. She’s a little princess at heart. She loves helping me cook, and bake. She’s a joy, and we love her.
TayTay’s quotes of the day. “Mommy when I get bigger, I want to be just like you.” “Mommy, You have a butt crap on your belly” She was talking about my scar. And she meant to say crack. Hehe. “Daddy, you’re a stinker” “Mommy, You needs to get feeling better so you can make us a bath.” That’s all I can remember, She wasn’t feeling good today so she was in bed most the day.
After eating some brownie batter. Yum!
Wow!!! You have an amazing family:)You've got me beat...I had my first four kids in four years:) and my bunch included boy/girl twins too!!!! I'm Sandy from GA. Nice to meet you!!! Stop by my blog anytime. ((hugs))