So It's been awhile since I last updated, and a lot has happened.
First an update on Bella. She is doing well they figure she had a virus of some sort they're not sure what, which amazes me. She may be coming home on Thursday. She’s a very healthy 6lbs 12oz, and she’s eating like a champ. She hasn't had any more complications that would entail her coming home on oxygen or an apnea monitor*Knock on wood. I miss her so much, we haven't been able to go up and see her, We've all been sick with
bad head colds, and
lovely flu's.
Secondly...Drum Roll....We got to bring her brother home on Monday. He is still on oxygen, and an apnea monitor but we've been through it before. It's a pain with all the wires, tubes and skin irritations but we'll manage. Hess a joy and had his first doctors apt yesterday, He gained an ounce since he’s been home, he's always been an over achiever. He now weighs 7lbs 5oz; quit a difference from when he was born. He weighed 3lbs 6oz. He still looks like a preemie but I think it's adorable. God, I love him.
We have been so busy with doctors apts, running this way, running that way I pretty much had a melt down with I was sick. I don't like feeling that way, nor do I ever want to feel that way again. It would be nice to just have peace, and not have everything happening at once. We had an in home nurse come unannounced yesterday thus
screwing up our schedule thus making us to miss Mikeys eye exam.
On a more serious frustrated note, the home that we rent, for 1200 a month is literally falling apart. We would love to buy our own home, but we have TONS of medical bills, some of which we are slowly paying off. Okay, back to the frustration, the roof needs to be fixed. You can't even walk atop it without it crumbling beneath you, which we didn't know about until after we signed a lease and after we had to patch the
lovely no parking sign our landlords lovingly affixed to the giant hole. Another HUGE and im not understating this in the least bit, our bedroom support wall is bowing. Now I don't mean a slight bow, there is
literally a 2 inch gap where the corners should be together. Not only is there a gap in between the two connecting walls, there’s a gap all the way up to the second floor plywood. To top it all off, during a major down poor we happened to walk into the attic only to find, TonS of water leaking through the peak.
Now clearly if we'd known about "major" problems we wouldn't have signed a lease, but we were never told. They refuse to fix anything, and then we come to find out they listed this house on the market. Absolutely drives me insane that someone could actually put our family in harms way like that, so we have some big decisions to make...and im not sure what we are going to do.
I would end by adding a new picture of our newest member, but my port to plug the camera into the computer just broke..Welcome to our life