We have spindles going all the way up. Half way up our stairs is the only place a gate can be. 8 steps up mind you.
Half way up.
Now tell me....is that safe? Because honestly it isnt. He can still try to walk up the stairs, and he can also pull the gate down. We hadn't had any problems with stairs until his therapy. These are the people who are telling us how to raise our children. I feel as though im going nuts. I wish the judge saw these photos and finally realized that CPS is a crock-o-crap. Oh, and also we are supposed to have plug covers on all our outlets. Are you kidding me? We took them out because all of our children can take them out, and our one year old was sticking them in his mouth. AmAZing! seriously..
My husband put out our christmas lights today, they look wonderful. Our tree is up, now all thats left is christmas shopping. Hopefully I wont go overboard this year.